Saturday, April 09, 2005

Girls' ministry

I have had it on my heart for awhile that I wanted to have an acitve girls' ministry within the youth ministry at our church. I am finally taking some small steps to start making that happen and it is very exciting. As with many things it is starting out small. We are just doing some fun outings and get togethers to try to form some closer relationships within the group. We went to the movies a few weeks ago and saw Miss Congeniality 2. It was a good girl movie and was pretty funny too. Next weekend I am hosting a sleepover at my house while my husband is at a weekend retreat. I hope that I get a good turnout and that everyone has a lot of fun! I would like to eventually have a girls' Bible study once a week or so too. I am waiting to see how God brings this all together. If nothing else, I am proud to have done something now instead of putting it off even farther into the future.

1 comment:

speakdontbleed said...

Janna! I think it's great that you have started a girls ministry at your church! Just a couple weeks ago, I also felt God's push to being involved in girls ministry. I have started an online ministry for now called Speak Don't Bleed. (if you want to check it out its at It's so neat how God just lays something on your heart and once you follow Him, everything falls into perfect place! It's so awesome. I'll be praying for you!