Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fresh Air: Breethe Deeply, Live Fully

Westside MOPS is strating September 18th at 6:30pm. I am very excited about this school year starting even though I don't have school age children. Last year I joined the Mothers of Preschoolers group (MOPS) at my church. I have had a heart for a Moms Ministry for the past few years and was a part of the Coordinating Team at our church in Oak Harbor, Wa. We were a small group so we decided to do our own program rather than be a part of the MOPS International Organization. It was less money for us to spend and we were able to customize it to reach other mothers besides just mothers of preschool age children. I have still always wanted to be a part of a MOPS group and even thought about doing my church moms group and a MOPS group at the same time but never was able to fit it into my schedule. Now that I have had the opportunity of being a part of a MOPS group I just love it!

Our theme this year is "Fresh Air" and "What Every Mom Needs" a book by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall who run the MOPS Organization. I am reading the book and have liked the little bit of it that I have read so far. I am working on taking time to sit and read a little each day. What I love about MOPS is that it is a group of women who all have something in common. They are all mothers of small children. They may come from different backgrounds, different income levels, different church affiliations, etc... But they can all relate to each other and support each other in a very special and challenging time in their life. This year's theme is going to be incredible. Talking about the basic needs of moms and taking a step back to breath fresh air. Whether you are a mom or not, this sounds great!! Life can get so hectic and stressful. It will be great to have two nights a month that are specifically for me to relax and get a breath of fresh air!

If anyone is in the Portland/Beaverton/ anywhere in driving distance, this is going to be a great group to be involved in. We are meeting in the evenings on the 1st and 3rd Monday night starting on 9/18/06. Our evening program will allow us to include working moms and single moms and others who have not been able to join in the past. We also will have more opeinings for moms to join than in the past because we were limited by childcare openings as well. Most children will stay home with other family members, but if needed we will still offer childcare with advance enrollment.

Check us out at or go to to learn more about the MOPS International Organization.

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