Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Shopping Anyone?

I am so jealous of everyone who is done with all of their christmas shopping. Today I was out for only 3 hours and got the kids presents, then spent the rest of the 2 1/2 hours driving around looking at gift ideas for those harder people on my list. I know that there are some great deals to be had out there and I will venture out in the morning to try to finish. I finally gave up and went home after making several stops and not finding anything that would work. I hope the stores will restock overnight because things were definitely picked over and the selection was less than desirable.

Look back here in the next couple of days for some great pictures from the christmas program. Madeline was the cutest angel you ever saw!! The others were so cute too, but I guess I am partial to my own and can't help but be proud of her performance!

1 comment:

Jennifer B. Davis said...

I agree that Madeline was an adorable angel! She did a great job and really lit up the stage.