Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Buried in laundry!

The addition of a baby to our household seems to have doubled the amount of laundry in the house. Why is it that the smallest person in the home makes the biggest messes? Jordan is almost 4 months old now. He is such a good baby, and he is happy most of the time. One of the things that has been different with him is that he spits up all the time. He probably goes through 3 or 4 sets of clothes every day. I have gotten to the point where if we are just staying home during the day I will wait until he spits up at least 3 times on his clothes before he gets clean ones. On most days I even have to change my clothes at least one time. And the same rule applies to me, I have to have been spit up on more than one time to constitute a clean set of clothes. I remember one day when in a matter of 15 minutes he spit up all over my shirt and then peed on my pants when I was changing him. I can't wait to get my next water bill to see how much all this extra laundry is costing me! I think that things will start to slow down in a couple of months. I hope so! For now I will continue to try to keep up with all the washing, drying, folding, and putting clothes away. It is so tiring when you feel like you never get anything accomplished. As soon as you get a few loads done, there are more piles to wash.

Even with all the extra work involved, I am having a great time with my kids. I am so blessed to have 2 beautiful children and to be able to stay home and take care of them.


Rebecca said...

I am really thankful that you are able to stay home with them, too! I would be sad if you had those beautiful babies and someone else had the pleasure of being with them everyday, someone who just saw them as income to be made.

I am so thankful that you are the kind of mother that you are. You do such a great job with them.

Since you're doing so much laundry, would you mind if I threw mine in too?

janna said...

I am so glad that I am staying home too. I would be so sad if I had to leave them with someone else everyday. Thanks for being such a good aunt! We will see you soon!!